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2008-07-30 00:06:03
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Nightwish Concerts

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151. [*nightwolf*]
152. [Asfaloth]
153. [Coca-Cola]
154. [Morbid Carrot] Let us all worship Nightwish.
156. [LiLPsychoke] I love their songs, those are so GREAT: Nightwish ROCKS!!!!!
157. [666th_poison] :D nightwish!!! :D i just love them
158. [FiSHr.] - whooooohoooooo
159. [Lithium Lullaby]
160. [Mirindyin] Wheee...^^
161. [Artemis Riddle]
162. [Passion and the opera] Wooo!!!!! I love Nightwish! I love Tarja!
163. [RaineDagyr] Mhm.
164. [GnomviD]
165. [Dark Sekret Love] - OMG Why didn't I see this earlier, Nightwish is one of my all time most favourite bands, I Love Tarja's voice, it's like Ambrosia for my ears.
166. [Sahraminkukka] They are the best!
167. [Azkaronne]
168. [*Eternity*]
169. [boopysnella] i <3 NIGHTWISH!
170. [_habnabit] Nightwish is one of two metal bands I like... the rest are rather crap.
171. [--Insert interesting person here--] a METAL band? are we thinking of the same Nightwish? lol. <3333 Nightwish
172. [*Eternity*]
173. [KnightAngel] better music? very very small choices then o.O
174. [Anthrax]
175. [Rosie.] ^_^
176. [Roma] One of the best bands ever XD
177. [_Lúthien_]
178. [Lilieth Lumino] Nightwish rocks ! ^^
179. [beautiful _ darkness] so kicks ass
180. [Vampire Akis] - the best Symphonic Goth Metal ever!
181. [merihevonen] I grew up listening to them...
182. [Relphien] I just love them..
183. [speakyourwords] they're amazing.

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2005-07-21 [samantha louise!]: hey every1!

2005-07-22 [One]: where are you seeing them [earthkynd]?

2005-07-22 [samantha louise!]: WOW!

2005-07-22 [DracoDormiens]: You should look forward to it! They ROCK live, at least they did when they played in Oslo Spektrum. Best night of my life, indeed.

2005-07-22 [One]: I'm seeing them for my third time this year next month, they're headlining Wacken festival in Germany, I was wondering if anyone else would be there?

2005-07-22 [samantha louise!]: i wish i bitch of a friend Rhiannon went 2 c them in April :(

2005-07-23 [666th_poison]: and she didn't take you?? with her?? kill her :P

2005-07-23 [DracoDormiens]: Oh GOD, I want to go to Wacken! I really, really do! Tristania is also playing, and it would have been awesome to see them live (although their last album sucked). But it's too far to travel just for a festival. Is it one next year? We are planning interrail in Europe, and it could fit into our plans.

2005-07-23 [One]: I liked Tristania's last album, and they are a good live act too. Wacken is on annually, it's worth a visit at least once.

2005-07-23 [DracoDormiens]: Are we both talking about "Ashes" here? *shudders* Well. Visting Wacken next year may reality, depending on which bands that are playing. Hm.

2005-07-23 [One]: I loved ashes, "cure" is a beautiful piece of music and "The Gate" is one of my favourite songs by them

2005-07-24 [DracoDormiens]: Uuugghh. Compare it to Widow's Weed, and you end up with the conclusion that they began like a beautiful and poetic band, an ended up as... eh. As... I don't know what to call them, but I am disappointed. Very well. Some people even like HIM, and I prefer a "ashes-fan" before them.

2005-07-24 [DracoDormiens]: By the way [OceanBorn], I think it's time for a new poll.

2005-07-24 [One]: hmmmm, well my problem with HIM is that they are rubbish live and have no real depth to their music. YEah Tristania changed, but a lot of bands do that, you can't keep churning out the same stuff with every album, change is not always for the better but it helps a band to progress, the only band I can think of that has done well by keeping exactly the same formula forever is Iron Maiden. Yeah a lot of bands go rubbish after they change (Metallica, etc) but some stay really good or get better (Within Temptation, peaking at Mother Earth, AFI, Apocalyptica). Tristania have changed a lot from their roots, but I still find them a wholly enjoyable band, if nothing else the ashes album has....

2005-07-24 [One]: ...just proved what a ffantastic range of music they are capable of. And live the new stuff is awesome.

2005-07-25 [DracoDormiens]: Hum. You are right that a band needs to change, but I think Tristania has just changed TOO much for my taste. They're almost like a completely different band. It's probably good if you like the way they have turned out, but unfortunatelt, I don't. And it's sad. Maybe I should suffer my way through Ashes one last time. Just in case.

2005-07-26 [One]: heh, yeah, there may be somethign you missed, but it's not so bad, they still have their old albums, jsut think as though they split up :P

2005-08-06 [OceanBorn]: so I see it's time for a ne wpoll, incase you hadn't noticed, this is the first time i am logging in for months. And I am off again, feel free to change polls.

2005-09-18 [One]: "171. [--Insert interesting person here--] a METAL band? are we thinking of the same Nightwish? lol. <3333 Nightwish" - what??? I'm confused, Nightwish are a metal band, albeit a symphonic metal band but they are metal...

2005-09-18 [DracoDormiens]: I thought anout that comment too... Though MY thoughts went more like: "How stupid it is possible to be?!" If you think Nightwish isn't a metalband, you don't know enough about music, my friend.

2005-09-18 [One]: haha, my thoughts exactly, oh well...

2005-10-15 [vvv]: "but I think Tristania has just changed TOO much for my taste. They're almost like a completely different band." Actually, that's pretty accurate. The Tristania's previous carrying force left the band to form a new one which is known as Sirenia, ever since Tristania has evolved into more organic metal. And I love both of the bands

2005-10-15 [vvv]: And what comes to [--Insert interesting person here--]'s comment, you're forgetting those silly Americans consider Evasucknessence and other oh-woe-slit-my-wrists teenbands metal

2005-10-15 [Jace Beleren]: hey don´t talk trash about evenescence they are awsome. sure they are nothing compared to nightwish or epica but still...

2005-10-17 [DracoDormiens]: Karper: I have the Sirenia albums and I quite enjoy them :) Fun to see other people here with the same music taste as me. And Evansescence: *coughcrapcough*

2005-10-20 [One]: heh, sirenia are really cool. Evanescence are just trying to be Lacuna Coil, they aren't necassarily bad, jsut not very good.

2005-10-20 [DracoDormiens]: Isn't that kinda the same thing?

2005-10-21 [One]: not really, you don't have to be bad to be uninteresting, they are pleasent enough, just not anything to get excited over, there is no real black and white to the open minded fan, there is always something good in the worst things and something bad in the best. Evanescence are neither bad or good though, just a bit dull.

2005-10-21 [Morbid Carrot]: Sirenia is better than Tristania in my opinion. Tristania just seem a little uninteresting to me, but although Sirenia is pretty similiar to Tristania, they have "the little extra" that Tristania does not have. Evaneascense... Well, I agree with VDJ Karper on the "slit-wrist"-thing!

2005-10-21 [Jace Beleren]: does anyone were know a band called epica?

2005-10-21 [DracoDormiens]: Heard about: Yes. Heard anything: Hardly. They have a female vocal, right?

2005-10-21 [Jace Beleren]: yep. they are awsome. you should hear theyr songs asap especialy blank infinity and cry for the moon

2005-10-23 [Zardra]: the main news today at the newspaper in finland: Tarja Turunen has been fired from Nightwish =( ... damn, that could be the end of them... propably is.

2005-10-23 [Morbid Carrot]: No, it isn't. If you manage to get through to their website, you will read the official letter that the rest of the band wrote. There, they say that they will find a new vocalist and continue. I think this is good news. They fired her because of her behaviour and her greed. I wouldn't have thought that about her, though, but I am sure NW is going to be better without that. All respect to Tuomas for risking losing fans this way, and doing what's right to the music.

2005-10-23 [DracoDormiens]: I think that most fans aren't that stupid that they like NW just for Tarja, but if they ARE, NW is best off without them. As with Tarja. I am very sorry to see her go, but Nightwish doesn't need that kind of people. But she is a very talented singer, and it's ashame that things had to turn out this way. And I CAN'T get into their website! I want to discuss this on the forum!

2005-10-23 [Zardra]: yeah, I heard they are searching for a new singer, but where are they going to find someone who is as good as Tarja, I'm just afraid that most people (well, here anyways) think of Nightwish and the first thing that come to mind is the gorgeous singing conbined with the music... and I just think its highly unlikely that they will find as good as singer as she was to replace her...

2005-10-23 [DracoDormiens]: I know... She is talnted, but not the only one who can sing out there. Maybe Nw will turn less commercial without her, and that would have been a joy! We'll see. I'm crosing my fingers for Liv Kristine from Leaves' Eyes :)

2005-10-23 [Morbid Carrot]: Most NW fans aren't stupid? Yeah right. But I think there will be a change from now on. Hm. I wonder how their next album will sound...

2005-10-23 [DracoDormiens]: With a fresh rapper, perhaps? I don't think the change will be that big, it's still Tuomas who writes the songs and arranges them. And I don't think he will pick a singer that's completely diffrent from Tarja either, so the next album won't be that different, unless the new singer is a songwriter and insists in writing the songs...

2005-10-23 [Morbid Carrot]: (If she does, we'll just have to hunt her down and shoot her.)

2005-10-23 [Morbid Carrot]: Maybe Tuomas could sing all the songs himself... =D

2005-10-23 [Tableau Vivant]: These sort of things always happen why I do not have internet nearby. I read this news here, just having returned from Paris, and I'm like every one of you extremely sorry to see Tarja Turunen go. But I don't think this will be the end of Nightwish nor Tarja, Nightwish will find a new vocalist and Tarja will begin of join an other band...I hope. I am trying to get on to the website, but it's miserably failing, but I'll read the letter the rest of the band wrote soon. But keep this in mind: Nightwish has Marco, so they still have a great voice in the band.^^

2005-10-23 [vvv]: I'm unsure if I care about this whole deal... I like Nightwish because of the lyrics and compositions, don't care so much about who sings. For alot of people NW equals Tarja, unfortunately.

2005-10-23 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Well, what can one say? It's not fun when things like this happen to your favourite band, but I guess as long as Toumas don't start singing again, there's hope.

2005-10-23 [DracoDormiens]: If Tuomas starts singing again, I'll hunt HIM down and kill him. *grins* But a vocalist is important, so I think they must be careful in their choise. Why the flying fuck can't I get into the site?! I tried four hours ago, and I'm STILL not getting in!

2005-10-23 [Tableau Vivant]: a vocalist is important indeed.  It's very well possible that you can not get onto the site, but I don't know the reason for that either. I did get on (barely) and quickly clicked on the button to see the letter, and the letter was what i got.

2005-10-23 [Zardra]: the site bandwich must be full because all the fans rushing in there, thatswhy its not working... about NW coming less commercial now without Tarja, I guess that could happen, but it was never Tarja who made it commercial in the first place, the band was more of an underground band when I started listening to it, it was the fame that made it commercial. They were on the news here. NW is going to take a 3 years break wihtout any conserts, searching for a new singer. Tarja is sad and horrified about how this all was brought to the public, dragging her husband to the thing too... messy!

2005-10-23 [Tableau Vivant]: a 3 year break. Well, we could see that coming actually. I can understand te way Tarja feels right now, I wouldn't want something like this to be brought to the world this way either. Did Tarja say what she was going to do now?

2005-10-23 [Zardra]: nope. She hasnt given any statements yet, this whole thing came as a shock for her so she propably doesnt have any plans :-S ... maybe she will continue to sing as an operasinger :-S

2005-10-23 [Tableau Vivant]: yes, she also needs time to get through this heavy news. I hope to see her here once again in Holland, just as much as I would like to see Nightwish here once again aswell.

2005-10-23 [Candy Coated Corpse]: i wanna go back to holland :(

2005-10-23 [Tableau Vivant]: you've been here??? when/where/why?!?!? =P

2005-10-23 [vvv]: Ultimately it's the record company that makes or does not make a band commercial. I think the band is better off without Tarja if the personal feelings between the band members are what they are. And the band is also better off without fans for whom Tarja is whole Nightwish, all credit to Tuomas for the amazing stuff he has made thus far, and hopefully will make for a long long time to come.

2005-10-23 [Candy Coated Corpse]: i went on holiday to belgium and we went to holland for the day one day

2005-10-23 [Tableau Vivant]: That's true. Tentions like this in a band so succesful are never good, and I understand and respect the band for their action, though. Fans who think Tarja is the band are not even to be called fans, they are mindless ones. Tuomas is a divine songwriter and Emppu, Marco and Jukka are all great, and I won't stop liking Tarja for this.    (cool callie^^)

2005-10-23 [The Coffee-Prophet]: I guess all we can hope is that they keep making good songs

2005-10-23 [Tableau Vivant]: I agree.

2005-10-23 [Jace Beleren]: ~yes i hope so too. i mean it´s sad that she gave in to greed but it´s also sad that she had to go. she has a great voice

2005-10-24 [The Coffee-Prophet]: I guess we can always hope that they get a better vocalist, that would of course be ideal. I'd say they wasn't all too unlucky with their last change of members, Marco is indeed awesome on bass. By the way, this whole episode brings "Slaying the Dreamer" to my mind, not entirely sure why.

2005-10-24 [DracoDormiens]: Hm. I thought NW was going to take a break in 2006, and start recording a new album in 2007? They will tour after the album release, so it won't be 3 years. If they haven't changed their plans now. I don't know, cause I STILL can't get into their website. Unbelievable.

2005-10-24 [Tableau Vivant]: hehe, i don't think they will be so fast in choosing a new leading vocalist.

2005-10-24 [DracoDormiens]: They have whole 2006 to choose. Why shouldn't that be possible?

2005-10-24 [vvv]: All news hint that they already have a new one. Tuomas is just waiting with publishing the info.

2005-10-24 [Tableau Vivant]: already? wow... tuomas is eeger to jump into the studio again

2005-10-24 [vvv]: Just read from Finnish newspaper, Tuomas has a new vocalist and Nightwish are releasing their next album in 2007.

2005-10-24 [The_Soulforged]: Loss of Tarja doesn't change anything... As long as Toumas holds the strings we'll see more and more great songs from Nightwish =)

2005-10-24 [Zardra]: <--- the letter is here for those who havent seen it yet. (I finally got it open, woo)

2005-10-25 [DracoDormiens]: He has a new vocalist ALREADY? Whew. he must have planned that while Tarja was still in the band. Naughty man. Have you all read tarja's reply to the letter? I see if I can fix a link.

2005-10-25 [Vitani]: pls do o.O

2005-10-25 [vvv]: "Whew. he must have planned that while Tarja was still in the band." Quite right... He made the decision early this year about the firing

2005-10-25 [Anthrax]: Im really upset about tarja leaving!! she got too greedy! grrrr. When your in a band its not about the money its about the music!

2005-10-25 [Tableau Vivant]: ooh.. tuomas the planner.. hmm.. it was smart though, after such a change, i think you shouldn't keep people waiting for too long, or the fans will also leave..

2005-10-25 [The_Soulforged]: I want to see Simone Simons in Nightwish's vocal =))

2005-10-26 [Tableau Vivant]: i see you like Epica^^. I have seen Epica live and it was good, and I hugged Simone!! =D  But I don't think it'll fit in nightwish, they will drasticcaly change if they do that

2005-10-26 [DracoDormiens]: Here's a link to teh forum and Tarja's reply. I couldn't find another link...

2005-10-26 [Zardra]: .< .. and I so wanted to go to see that consert but the tickets were sold out in an hour!... now I'm ever going to see them play with Tarja... -_- <sigh>

2005-10-26 [Tableau Vivant]: I need to put my feelings together again and I promise to come back to public soon. That's a line from Tarja's letter and it has brightened my day^^   I'm sorry for you [Zardra], i have seen them play once, and had my mind set on going to the next concert aswell, but that won't come.. alas.

2005-10-26 [Zardra]: I hope she will feel better soon... and hopefully will continue singing. ... must hope that the new singer will be good too, so the conserts will still be worth seeing. fortunately I saw them 1,5 years ago once. But it would have been great to see them again. oh well.

2005-10-26 [Vitani]: I have had the luck of seeing them 2 times, once last year in November and now this year in August ... </3

2005-10-26 [The Coffee-Prophet]: As long as this don't start some kind of grudge between Tarja and the band, there's still room for an acceptable future here. I really don't know who to sympatize with here, so I'll just hog the love of music as long as I can.

2005-11-08 [Sahraminkukka]: I think that Nightwish can continue, even if they wouldn't get a new vocalist. The instrumental songs that I've heard are sooo great.

2005-11-08 [Tableau Vivant]: that's true^^

2005-12-13 [The Coffee-Prophet]: It would't be exactley the same, but oh well, change don't have to be bad.

2005-12-13 [Roma]: That's true enough, but at the same time, Nightwish is a symphonic metal band, so if they search for a new vocalist it's going to be tough to find someone that can retain that quality. Tarja studied opera...they need someone else who can deliver the same style. All in all...I almost cried when I found out the news. :'(

2005-12-13 [Tableau Vivant]: my jaw dropped when i found out

2005-12-13 [The Coffee-Prophet]: I never came out of the 'denial'-phrase myself, odds are I'll come rushing into 'anger' any day now.

2005-12-14 [sky fox]: while i know that alot of people are upset about tarja leaving, i would like to point out that it's tuomas that writes all the songs. nightwish will carry on without tarja, and i don't think her absence will take too much away from the band. that doesn't mean that i don't like tarja, it's just that tuomas is the heart of the band. tarja was just the face.

2005-12-14 [Tableau Vivant]: tarja was not just the face. she was the voice.^^

2005-12-14 [Roma]: We're not saying that she was the band . We're saying that her stye of singing was perfectly suited for their sound, as she studied classical vocalism. It will be hard to find someone else that has her powerful vocal abilities.

2005-12-14 [Tableau Vivant]: that's true.

2005-12-14 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Well, as long as they don't hire britney spears or anyone from Mötley Crüe, I think they'll manage

2005-12-14 [Anthrax]: HEY!!! not as in hi but hey as in RAAAA motley crue are amazing!! but nightwish cudnt have a male singer could they??

2005-12-14 [Roma]: A male singer wouldn't be bad, but it'd kind of ruin the dynamic between to vocalists. I mean, like in "Beauty and the Beast," there's an interlude between the male and female voices. You'd change the dynamics of the band by having a male vocalist, even if he was classically trained.

2005-12-14 [sky fox]: hell, i was never suggesting that tarja leaving wasn't a loss, but the band can live without her. the same can't be said for tuomas.

2005-12-15 [Roma]: Bands generally don't function well without their founder

2005-12-15 [The_Soulforged]: There are many fans , loving the Nightwish for Tarja. But it is strange that I know so many people that doesn't like Nightwish because of Tarja....

2005-12-15 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Yeah, it's not really that logical, methinks, but I guess. And yeah Advent, if Toumas would leave, they would have serious problems.

2005-12-15 [Morbid Carrot]: If Tuomas left there would be no Nightwish. Tuomas IS Nightwish.

2005-12-15 [OceanBorn]: People liked Nightwish because Tarja contributed to nightwish and amde nightwish WHO they were. Of course holopainen created and wrote for nightwish, but without tarja he would not have created the same nightwish as we know it. many fans from different eras and musical backgrounds like nightwish, and many still will without tarja. however she did add something to nightqwish that only she could, and thats why many fans will no longer like nw the way they did.

2005-12-15 [~Lady Morgana~]: I think the voice is one of the most important things of a band. Of course the lyrics are importand and so is the band but the voice is what always stands in the first place, at least I think so. I'm not sure what to think about Nightwish breaking up because I heared a lot specious reasons and I'm not sure if I belive what they say. Still, Nightwish will never be the same without Tarja.

2005-12-16 [Morbid Carrot]: Disagree. The most important thing in Nightwish is Tuomas' lyrics, the songs he writes, the atmosphere in them... He is the soul of NW. Tarja's voice is less important to me. I do not think it is that good anyway. The sound of Nightwish will always be the same no matter what voice they use to their lyrics. That's the way I see it.

2005-12-17 [~Lady Morgana~]: I think everyone has a different point of view. I like the band but I'm not so much interested in the band history or anything like that, so what I care about are lyrics, atmosphere, the instruments and the voice. If something is missing, it is missing. For example I really don't like Metallica because I hate the singer's voice and I don't care about the lyrics at all ... might be weird of me but this is how I see it ^^

2005-12-22 [OceanBorn]: the most important thing about a band is the music not a person. and morbid i disagree, as you yourself said, thats your OPINION, its not people but what they contribute which matter, and, although you preffer tuomas' lyrics, every band member puts something towards nightwish, and thats what makes nightwish who they are...nightwish. and since tarja left...nigthwish will be different, just like if tuomas left..i dont think you can really contradict yourself in saying any band members are more important. its the music that counts.

2005-12-22 [Morbid Carrot]: Normally, no. But in Nightwish Tuomas IS the most important bandmember, seeing that he writes the music AND the lyrics. They changed their bassplayer, but that did not have so much to say for the music. Of course, the vocals will be different. But I hardly doubt that Tuomas will write different songs just because somebody else sings them. Of course the most important thing in a band is the music! But in this particular band, most of the music comes from Tuomas. They would therefor change much more radically if he quitted, more than if for example Emppu quitted.

2005-12-22 [Morbid Carrot]: And I completely agree with you in that it's not the people but what they contribute that matters. But I think that Tuomas contributes more than the other members. I am not saying that the other members does not affect the music at all, because they do.

2005-12-22 [OceanBorn]: Of course he does, he MAKES the music, but the sound of the music and the talent of the music players isn't all his, he doesnt have an amazing voice, or i odnt know, the ability play an amazing guitar solo as well as other people and i know where your coming from im just pointing out every artist is different and so contributes something different to make nightwish what they were.

2005-12-22 [Morbid Carrot]: Yes, that was kind of my point. (And Tuomas does definitly not have an amazing voice! Hehe.) I just think that their music will not be radically changed with a new vocalist. It will be different, yes, because she will be a different singer than Tarja, but it will still be Nightwish.

2005-12-22 [OceanBorn]: Oh well, tis a shame to lose the mighty voice of Tarja...

2005-12-24 [sky fox]: true, it is a loss, but i think what we are tring to get at, is that there are loads of great singers out there, but there is only one tuomas, and noone will write songs in the same way that he does, and that's why i believe we could lose any member of the band, (and it would be a terrible blow), but nightwish would live on. EXCEPT if tuomas left. now THAT would destroy nightwish.

2005-12-24 [One]: Well Tuomos is the creator of Nightwish, the is the driving force, if he left they wouldn't be Nightwish, like if Trent was not in Nine Inch Nails. If any of the other members left there would be vast noticable differences because they all contribute to the songwriting, except Tarja who did not contribute at all, so Tarja will have the least effect on the band than if anyone else left. Of course it is always difficult to replace a singer but it can be done, especially for a band as big as these.

2005-12-24 [sky fox]: the problem people are having with tarja leaving, is that she was the figurehead. and that's why its come as such a blow to the fans.

2005-12-24 [One]: yeah, btu anyone who knows anything about the band (beyond the pretty frontwoman) knows that she really had nothign to do with them, she said herself that she was like a session musician, all this will show is that a lot of people only follow the band because of the pretty lady, which isn't really the right reason to like someone

2005-12-24 [sky fox]: precisely why i feel we need to not mourn her loss so much..... hell, it'll change the band, but tuomas will still write the songs, and i hardly think the band will change enough for me to go off them.

2005-12-25 [OceanBorn]: you seem to forget even if she contributed nothing musically, she also had a voice? and it was a mighty fucking fantastic one at that. Tbh i wont miss her pretty face, if i wanted that id follow her as a solo artist which she was anyways. but nightwish and her voice...together were beautiful. and nothing can change that. sorry, tis true.

2005-12-25 [One]: yes but you seem to forget that though she had an awesome voice, there are many fantastistic operatic singers just like her out there, she did havea wonderful voice but honestly not much of a range, they can even get a better singer in now she has gone

2005-12-25 [~Lady Morgana~]: There is a black doom band called Bethlehem, 3 people. I think the bassist was the founder of the band (not sure though) and he wrote the songs, the lyrics, all that but they were used to change the singer. (Once I read an advert that they would search for a new one - even a girl, I thought it was funy) Still when I heard of them I only knew one singer, the one at this time. They went on with a new singer, same band, same sort of lyrics but it was never the same because the new singer wasn't able to express the lyrics in the same way. It is the feeling of a perfect composition, the expression of lyrics, otherwise they would only be words, wich is nice for a poem but not of a song.

2005-12-26 [~Lady Morgana~]: Honestly I don't really care about a band history or who was the founder, I only care about what I hear. I don't care for Tarja as a person or Thoumas, how they look like or what they like to drink, I am just trying to say that, of course there could be a new singer, same band, same lyrics but if the new singers voice wouldn't be as theatric, full of emotions as Tarja's it is just crap. I agree with Lauren, I am not interested in her as herself, I think she can't be as good as she was with a new band or by herself. Singers don't represent a band they just give the music a heart.

2005-12-26 [One]: To be honest I do not think Tuomos will settle for anyone less dramatic in vocal skill than Tarja

2005-12-26 [OceanBorn]: Of course of course everybody has a point. But nothing can change the fact nightwish will change. In the end Tarjas voice was less dramatic and operatic and not even to her potential, which was all down to the idea of tumoas, and heym thats when all of the nightwish slanging began. Doesn't that prove something? Nobody here is right, or wrong, But in my personal opinion, I doubt nightwish will ever touch me in the same ways..

2005-12-26 [~Lady Morgana~]: Yes I guess you're right. We have to see what future brings ^^

2005-12-27 [One]: myself I believe they will grow and progress, in the same way that Iron Maiden did when they changed singer. But of course none of us can know anything until it happens...I for one will keep as open minded as possible

2006-02-03 [Strad]: May I suggest that we all stop arguing about what will happen and just wait and see what happens.

2006-02-05 [DracoDormiens]: Isn't that the point about discussing? A bit of arguing over music has never hurt anyone. And it really shows how good NW is, when we all get so excited, right?

2006-02-05 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Excited? Maybe not the word to use on the current situation. At any rate, what Toumas & the gang decides to do now, we can't tell, or do too much about.

2006-02-05 [DracoDormiens]: Over-excited? Heh. *scowls* It's nothing against the official forum, though. Eeeew, I've stopped visiting it for a long while, cause teh discussion and spamming there never stopped. Not that it's much to discuss anymore. They're on break, aren't they? New album will come in 2007. Hooray!

2006-02-05 [The Coffee-Prophet]: An instrumental album then, or have I missed something?

2006-02-06 [DracoDormiens]: I think you have, cause teh singer is already in place (if rumour are right), we only don't know who she is. Hopefully, we'll know when teh album comes out ^_^

2006-02-06 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Damn, I hate missing stuff like this. Anyway, only to hope for the best, then.

2006-02-06 [Morbid Carrot]: The says that they have not found a singer, or is even looking for one yet, and that everything else is lies. ^^

2006-02-07 [OceanBorn]: Strad- We're not argueing. We're all merely putting our opinions forward into a debate. which is generally what our forum is for.

2006-02-07 [DracoDormiens]: If says so, then it is true. I think they'll find one, though.

2006-02-08 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Yeah, Nigthwish without the song/lyrics would be like.... uhm... Nightwish without song and lyrics. Yeah

2006-03-04 [merihevonen]: I saw Tuomas' interview few days ago. He has written 12 songs (i'm pretty sure he said 12, yey). but no words of the singer... but still, it's not they're in a rush. there's still time, a year and a half....

2006-03-17 [merihevonen]: This is the latest: "Nightwish is currently and actively looking for a new singer/front woman for the band. We need the obvious things: Looks , charisma, courage and, of course, a big voice. Good grasp of the English language is also very helpful. We don´t necessarily need a classically trained vocalist like Tarja Turunen (the former vocalist). We welcome all kinds of styles and voices, natural and trained, from rock and pop to classical, and all that you can find in between. You should however be prepared to sing with a lot of dynamics and versatility. From loud and high to very sensitive stuff. You should preferably send us a cd containing 2-3 songs, that you consider to be your best work.

2006-03-17 [merihevonen]: If you send an album, would you mark out 2-3 most important songs, please? If you record and send Nightwish songs, then the most important thing is your PERSONAL TOUCH."

2006-03-17 [merihevonen]: So they have started looking for a new singer.  Yey.  : )

2006-03-18 [merihevonen]: I just thought you'd want to know that.....

2006-03-25 [merihevonen]: Why won't anyone comment here??

2006-03-25 [merihevonen]: I must be the only one who comes here as frequently as I do....

2006-03-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: well I just joined and havent started commenting yet

2006-03-26 [Morbid Carrot]: "Looks , charisma, courage and, of course, a big voice" Ok, only one of those had anything to do with the music? How superficial.

2006-03-26 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Welcome to the real world, I trust you'll be leaving soon? :P I can kind of understandificate the 'courage' part though.

2006-03-26 [Morbid Carrot]: The real world sucks. *Moves into magic and epic forest* =p

2006-03-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: charisma:  A rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm. 

2006-03-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: by the defition I think that charism is somthin a singer of a bad would need

2006-04-20 [The Coffee-Prophet]: And a dictator, not that I'm sayin' :P

2006-05-04 [Firesong k'Treva]: : ( the only Nightwish song i've heard was "Nemo," but i absolutely love it!!!!!

2006-05-05 [beautiful _ darkness]: listen to more

2006-05-19 [Firesong k'Treva]: i wish i could!!! i'll have to get some of their CDs

2006-05-19 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Do that, go for Century Child or Over the Hills, I think those will give you a good and solid start on your Nightwish digging career.

2006-05-20 [One]: here here [The Coffee-Prophet], Century child is the best

2006-05-20 [The Coffee-Prophet]: It certainly is their most interesting album. Beauty of the beast? Yes please.

2006-05-21 [One]: I can't stand it when people say this about bands but it was nice to hear them back before they were comercialised

2006-07-30 [Vampire Akis]: Why did Tarja leave the group??????

2006-07-30 [The Coffee-Prophet]: She didn't leave, I think she was more thrown out, the rest of the band apparantly thought she was too... what's the word, bossy and stuff.

2006-07-30 [Vampire Akis]: Ah! She probably thought she was the queen...... right?

2006-07-30 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Along those lines

2006-07-30 [Vampire Akis]: hmmmm....... she was amazing though

2006-07-31 [One]: she was a good singer, that is all, she wrote nothing of the music and hardly bothered turnign up to rehearsals

2006-07-31 [The Coffee-Prophet]: The writing would be Toumas' work, says a bit that she could keep up without rehearsing though.

2006-07-31 [Vampire Akis]: Tuomas is/was (i dunno) in For My Pain too. That band rocks. it's better than nightwish. Trust me and check it out sometime.

2006-07-31 [Morbid Carrot]: For my Pain is simple music. It's okay, the melodies are good, but there's nothing original in there, and you get easily tired of them. As I said, there's nothing wrong with them, but they are not as good as Nightwish by far.

2006-07-31 [Vampire Akis]: Man, they only have one album! and nightwish have more. that's why nightwish is better. what's your fave nigtwish song?

2006-08-14 [OceanBorn]: Actually, I agree, nightwish has alot more depth than for my pain...and saying one is better it merely a matter of opinion, but i think vampire, that the majority in this forum with rule against you ;)

My favorite nightwish song, atm: Phantom of the opera

2006-08-14 [Vampire Akis]: Yeah but I said that nightwish is above.....>_>

2006-08-14 [OceanBorn]: You also said they were better than n/w too o.O Mmhmph.. *shrug*

2006-09-17 [Strad]: Hmm.. on the subject of nightwish... do any of you know about After Forever? A recent discovery of mine, When I heard them for the first time I got exactly that feeling we all got when we heard nightwish the first time around...

2006-09-17 [Vampire Akis]: Holy fuck someone talked! what? what are they?

2006-09-17 [Strad]: A Dutch band, its not power metal influenced like nightwish and the signer can sign the hell out of Tarja... If you want a tune to discover them with, I would suggest My pledge of Allegiance 1 . They also have a bit of an arabic twist to them, surprisingly enough, they still have a common feeling with nightwish.

2006-09-18 [Firesong k'Treva]: you know, the reason they kicked Tarja out might've been they didn't want another Axel Rose (from the band Guns 'n' Roses, for those of you who didn't know) Yeah, i did some research between my last post and this one.

2006-09-18 [The Coffee-Prophet]: I knew who Axel Rose is, so there. :p

2006-09-20 [Firesong k'Treva]: well, there could have been someone in here who didn't know. so there!!!!

2006-09-20 [Vampire Akis]: i didn't! :p

2006-09-20 [Firesong k'Treva]: *sticks his tongue out at Mr. Kaizer and makes a wierd face* see?!

2006-09-20 [OceanBorn]: Whooo...not sure if any of you have heard Mrs turunen on conert, that is without nightwish behind her, shes has quite an amazing voice...and thought floor jansen can sing amazingly with her band, i think solo she mightnt beat tarja... personal opinion anyway

2006-09-20 [Firesong k'Treva]: eh, maybe.

2006-09-20 [The Coffee-Prophet]: Yeah yeah, give the chibi an applause. Anyways, I haven't heard Tarja without nightwish, but it's easy to imagine she can sing the socks of most singers, still, part of what made Nightwish genious was the synergy of the heavy instruments and the poethic texts and opra-like voice of Tarja.

2006-09-20 [Firesong k'Treva]: *shrugs*

2006-09-27 [OceanBorn]: Uhm, on another note...those of you who odntk now sinergy...go check them out. another powerful unknown voice..

2006-09-29 [Morbid Carrot]: I think the vocals of Sinergy are the most irritating vocals I've ever heard. "Dark Smurf on speed"-vocals! And with such cheesy lyrics... Happy music about suicide (thinking about the "Suicide by my side"-album)? No way, it doesn't work. I understand why you like it, but I dislike most power metal, so it's no wonder I don't like them.

2006-09-30 [OceanBorn]: I like her voice, I think she probably has the mose powerful voice out of any of the femalve vocalists in her catogory. then again, if its not for you its not for you.

On ANOTHER note, i saw nevermore last night. fucking fantastic... :D:D:D Just had to be said!

2006-10-12 [Strad]: hmm... regarding the Turunen/Jansen debate I started, I must say oceanborn has a point there... I really should hear both solo before judging them individually, however, within their respective bands, I find Floor Jansen has a lot more emotion driving her voice.

2006-10-12 [Strad]: I haven't heard loads of Sinergy, but I liked what I did hear

2007-04-06 [OceanBorn]: Hello.. Since you're all part of my wonderful wiki I thought maybe you'd like to know i'm running for council ^^ If you'd like to support me please add your name to OceanBorn's application.. Thankyou!

2007-06-01 [sky fox]: so, have you guys heard the new sample songs with anette (the new singer)?

they're on nightwish's myspace, and the new album's out in autumn.

2007-06-01 [OceanBorn]: I haven't heard it myself. I wander what was with the rumour saying that Sarah brightman was the new vocalist? weird..

2007-06-01 [sky fox]: nah, anette's got a powerful voice, but not a classically trained as tarja.... new song samples still have all that nightwish magic though..... if anyone wants a link to the nightwish myspace, check the link in my diary.

2007-06-01 [OceanBorn]: Yeah I just saw. She has a nice voice, and actually it sounds pretty good... but I think tthe ne wnightwish will be like many other gothic female frotned bands, good, but not good enough. Maybe alot of the music will sound alike. Who knows?

2007-06-01 [sky fox]: the style of music sounds the same as nightwish had progressed..... i know a lot of people defined the difference in nightwish by tarja's voice, but there's definitely something about tuomas' music that sets them apart too... i think annette makes the music sound a little closer to within temptation, but not enough to stop me from enjoying it as nightwish's music.

2007-06-01 [Sahraminkukka]: o.O I didn't recognize it was Nightwish when I heard it a couple days ago... I think they've changed a bit.

2007-06-01 [sky fox]: lol, nightwish haven't ever done two albums the same, but there's some character to the composing that's remained constant..... i think it's apparent in the violon solo on '7 days to the wolves' that hearkens back to 'wayfarer' or 'moondance'.... not instantly obvious because they've moved from synth to orchestra since then.....

2007-06-01 [OceanBorn]: I understand that if you removed her voice the music does sound quite the same, but i honastly think it has changed over the years anyway and now its porgressed to something that with her voice does sound not so unique anymore. For me its like theatre of tragedy, yes beautiful music...but for too alike. Thats my opinion anyway..

2007-06-02 [sky fox]: yeah, i get that... but the genre's getting more and more crowded, so unique music is going to be harder and harder to come by anyway... i enjoy listening to the stuff, so i don't see other music being similar as a bad point.... if anything, it's a bonus! more good stuff to listen to!

but that's probbably just me trying to keep a positive spin on things.

2007-06-03 [OceanBorn]: What I meant was similar through the songs, not so much to other bands, but i understand what you're sayng. only time will tell anyway ;)

2008-02-06 [Diiwica]: You all should look up Xandria, they are simular to nightwish and have some awsome songs

2008-11-19 [thomas]: Stragely enough, I just installed a ring tone from an Xandria song today on my mobile :)

2008-11-22 [sky fox]: still need to get round to listening to Xandria. I've been listening to a lot of Epica and opeth recently.

2009-01-22 [Rook.]: May I join?

2009-03-04 [Jace Beleren]: my new forum come see

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